
At the Circulating Library: Fiction, 1837-1901 (Troy Bassett, 2007- )

Biographical and bibliographical database covering 15K+ titles by 3K+ authors

British Fiction, 1800-1829 (CEIR, Cardiff U., 2011)

Garside et al. reception database with anecdotes, ads, reviews, library/subscriber logs for 2K+ Romantic novels

Corvey Project (Sheffield Hallam U., 2001)

Intro to the Corvey trove of popular fiction and basic tools for searching collection catalog

Dialect in British Fiction, 1800-1836 (U. of Sheffield, 2015)

Database for studying dialects of English found in 100 early 19c novels

Eighteenth-Century Fiction (ProQuest, 1998)

Early full-text database (pre-Google Books) with 96 British novels from 1700-1780

The English Novel, 1830-1836 (CEIR, Cardiff U., 2006- )

Online sequel to Garside et al.’s OUP bibliography for 1770-1829, listing all known English novels from 1830-36

European Literature, 1790-1840: Corvey Collection (Gale NCCO, 2012)

Full scans of Corvey library’s 9,500 English, French, and German titles, mostly popular novels by/for women

Nineteenth-Century Fiction (ProQuest, 2003)

Early full-text database featuring 250 major British novels published between 1782 and 1903

Poetry and Short Story Reference Center (EBSCO, 2014)

Searchable database with reference tools and full texts of 700K poems and 56K stories

Price One Penny: Cheap Literature, 1837-60 (Marie Léger-St-Jean, 2011- )

Bibliography of and introduction to early Victorian penny fiction; includes full texts of 3 “penny bloods”

Researching Victorian Fiction (Victorian Research Web, ca. 2000)

Sally Mitchell’s bibliography of fiction-related reference tools; created for graduate course at Temple U.

Short Story Index (EBSCO, 2003)

Online version of H.W. Wilson reference index for finding authors, titles, and themes of 150K+ stories

Victorian Short Fiction Project (Brigham Young U., 2007- )

Full texts of stories from 1829-1901 plus extensive background on genre, authors, periodicals, etc.